I am

  • I am here to make an impact

  • I co-create the masterpiece of my life

  • I embrace my authenticity

  • I am the fulfillment of my own potential

  • I surrender to the woman I am becoming


At The Face of A Modern Goddess, we believe that within each woman lies a powerful and magnificent goddess, waiting to be unleashed. By combining ancient spiritual wisdom with modern insights into human potential, we want to take you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

Our tools, including life coaching, transformational photography, and tailored inspiration, will guide you towards creating sustainable change in all areas of your life, from personal and emotional well-being to professional pursuits. Our ultimate goal is to empower you to tap into your full potential, cultivate a harmonious sense of self-acceptance, and radiate the magnificent essence of a modern-day goddess you are.

Our Services

  • Combines elements of personal and professional development, self-awareness, and self-actualization to provide individuals with a comprehensive approach to growth and change.

  • Focused on areas of personal and professional growth, this form of communication inspires, educates, and motivates individuals to take control of their journey, overcome obstacles, and lead a fulfilling life that aligns with their values and purpose.

  • A coaching format that focuses on a specific topic which is taught in a group setting with an interactive and educational approach

  • Transformational portrait photography that focuses on the women’s inner journey, promoting self-acceptance, confidence and authentic self expression.

Explore the photo gallery

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